Visit to the Bujumbura “ Prince Charles “ Hospital
We then went to visit the government hospital "Prince Charles" of Bujumbura, meeting with doctors and patients.
There is no comment to express in order to explain the condition of medical equipment, operating wards etc The medical equipment available to the operators are almost non-existent and those few that existed had serious need of maintenance which is not available.
A first intervention of the 'Ecumenical Order, having learned that patient care in Burundi is delivered only if the patient has health card , what in fact excludes the poorest, thus the Ecumenical Order has donated 1500 cards of which 1000 for the poor and 500 to the orphans . It is foreseen that a supplement 3500 cards will be purchased at a later date.
At the same time the Ecumenical Order has commited itself for the additional health cards,but also to find some of the medical equipment needed and other necessacities needed at the Hospital such as more operating tools to fight diseases, in particular taking into consideration the rise of AIDS.